My Story:

"There's a better way..."

Thanks for visiting this website and wanting to learn more...

As you may have seen, my name is Alex Kaplo 😬

I’m 33 years old...

I like to read books, I have a beautiful wife, I love to go to the gym and workout (I’m a bit addicted… but I pop my shoulder a lot.. smh 🙄 )...

My drink of choice is Perrier water and I don’t like mixing my foods when I eat (true story)… so all in all...

I’m a normal person, like you!

Nothing special.

The only difference...

I made a conscious decision a long time ago that I would pursue a better life for myself...

My ticket to freedom was Amazon Digital Publishing...

I went from the 9 to 5 so-called 'hamster-wheel'...
… to making over 6-figures a year (working only a few hours a week from my laptop)…

… to buying cars I thought we’re only mean’t for a different ‘class’ of people…

… to going on extravagant vacations without asking for anyone’s permission (while still getting paid)…

… to buying a luxury condo facing the water with most wondering how I even afforded to live here (most of my neighbours think I’m a drug dealer or from a wealthy family, true story... 🤣)

Call me petty but the most priceless of all…

I now walk with my head held high because all those people that said I was a failure…

I proved them all wrong...

Even as I type this, it all seems “too good to be true”…

All this to say…

I’ve tried and failed at countless other business opportunities, lost thousands, got ridiculed for it and told to 'give it up' over and over again...

I’ve gone into debt to pay for trainings from so called ‘gurus’ and got ripped off more often than I’d like to admit...

And for years, I kept to myself, mustering the courage inside of me to refuse to give up...

So, between us, I’m not telling you about my life nowadays to brag or to boast…

It’s just to prove to you that’s it's possible and that there's a better way... 
Besides, know that:

I have 2.17 GPA...

I was the shy kid in at school (the ones that don’t say a word and that completely freezes whenever the teacher calls their name to speak publicly)...

I still make spelling mistakes in each phrase I write…

Even tho I made a career out of publishing books & audiobooks that have been read by hundreds of thousands of individuals, if not millions! (Funny thing is, I was placed in a special class for students who have learning difficulty... that’s how bad I was)...

However, today, I make a very comfortable living by passively earning royalties from my books and audiobooks on Amazon, all from the comfort of my own home...


You can do the same!

Even if you’re a complete beginner...
You can get started and have a lot of success with this.

In fact, as long as you have a laptop / internet connection and a burning desire to succeed!

Amazon Digital Publishing will work for you regardless of your credit, finances, skills, experience or even your education.

Ready to take the first step to do the same for your life?

I'm putting together a new FREE training that 'pulls back the curtains' of my entire publishing business and will show you my simple 4-step system to start get started too.... 

Click on the big button below to register to the next webinar training!
See you on the other side!
Alex Kaplo

P.S. This is a 100% free training video, no credit card required :)


We are committed to empowering ordinary people to achieve financial freedom through Amazon Digital Publishing.

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